I’ve been working to get LEWD as bug free as possible. There’s been a number of other small hotfix updates over the past two days.
- Fixed many new issues came up in the last update that were issues all over the place. (Missing variables, stat changes not doing anything, name showing as “false”, etc)
- Added missing cervix and womb descriptors
Further update:
- Fixed description generation when it comes to multiple layers of clothing over something. Still probably some issues with multiple things coming together, I bet, though. Let me know~
- More wording and spelling fixes, including typo on “cervox”. 😐
- Font settings work again. Looks like they got broken in the update I did to unify a settings API. Woops.
- Fixed the last remaining server crash, I believe!
- Saving no long requires you to be a Patron, but they’ll be cleared periodically. Due to some people having connectivity issues and such, it was way too restrictive to have that work like that. The next major update(as in, Alpha 3) is going to address more connectivity issues, reconnects, etc, as well.
- A few other small things I’m forgetting